Water and the body

Water is the most valuable element on earth and the main nutrient of your organism.
If your body doesn’t get the necessary quantity of water, your metabolism can't be built up as it should.
Due to the fact that water is in charge of the nutrients transportation, toxins elimination and temperature regulation, if you deprive yourself of it, your system would be altered.

Which are the functions of the water within our body?

  • It is the support or medium where the metabolisms relations are performed
  • Thermal shock-absorbing role
  • Substances transportation
  • Lubricant shock-absorbing of the brush among organs
  • Assists the circulation and gives turgidity
  • Provides flexibility and elasticity to the tissues

How does the Water flow within our body?

  • Blood
  • Lymph
  • Saliva
  • Digestive juices
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Sweat
  • Tears
  • Urine

How does the Water enter into our body and then is eliminated?

How does the Water enter into our body and then is eliminated



Mechanisms to balance the intake and the loss of Water:

How does the Water enter?
The water enters into our body through drinks, liquids, infusions, and the water produced by cells.

How is the Water eliminated?
The water is eliminated through the humid breathed-out air, the sweat, the urine and the faeces.




Body hydration

At the moment we are thirsty, we have lost 1 or 2 percent of the Water in our bodies, and that is enough to affect our performance. If we drink only water to satisfy the thirst, the body could take up to 24 hours to completely hydrate the cells and recover its maximum functioning.

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink Water.
Remember that this is a late reflex.